Sandra Blossey, a psychologist, professor, and an active member of the Central Florida community for many years, will give a talk sharing with us how changes in life can often be like an exciting or scary ride in a raft flying over large waves of white water, moving much faster than we’d like. She will give us hints for coping with the stress and speed of life in today’s world.
We’d love you to join us!
- WCWP August – December 2024
- Very Successful Rummage Sale August 30th and 31st!
- Our Woman’s Club 2023 -2024
- Rose’s 99th Birthday!
- Rummage Sale was a Success! All Proceeds to Local Charities!
- Installation of Officers 2023-2024
- Holiday Luncheon
- Scholarship Students 2023
- Flamingo Luncheon for Breast Cancer Awareness
- Popcorn Social, Circus Theme
- Our Rummage Sale was a Great Success for our Charitable Giving!
- Installation of our Board 2022-2023, and Silver Tea
- Founder’s Day, March 2022
- Spring Fashion Show and Box Luncheon
- Honoring our Scholarship Students
- Decorating the Pepper Tree on Morse
- Artisan Showcase
- Our Membership Tea and Fall Luncheon
- Our Live Auction was a Tremendous Success!
- Fashion Show Celebrating 100 years
- Our 2020-2021 year
- Charitable Giving & Comraderie
- A Lovely 2020 Wedding at our Club
- Some of our Woman’s Club Activities
- Community evening with Vickie Night and John Michael Night
- Join us for a talk by Dr. Ryan Frazier!
- Our Best Ever Rummage Sale!
- April 25th Installation of New Officers and Tea!
- Lite Lunch, WP Land Trust and Jane’s 90th!
- Lovely Luncheon and Fashion Show!
- Our very successful 1st Artisan Showcase!
- Our Founders Day
- Our Holiday Party!
- Congratulations to our Scholarship Recipients!
- We decorated the Red Pepper Tree in Central Park!
- Be sure to make your reservation for our Holiday Luncheon!
- Our first Fall Program is Thursday, October 4th at 2pm
- Time to save items for our Rummage Sale!
- Visit photos from our recent meetings!
- Our Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon!
- Founder’s Event
- Ballroom Dancing with Tamila Vitko, our Club member
- Opera Orlando fabulous Gabriel Preisser, entertained at our Holiday Luncheon
- Elizabeth St Hilaire helped talent shine with our Collage workshop!
- Paper Painting Pet Class!
- Expanding our Left Brain and Right Brain!
- Our Membership Tea, welcoming old and new members
- A Grand Rummage Sale for the Woman’s Club Charities!
- Donations are arriving for our Rummage Sale on Saturday!
- Last weekend to collect items for our Rummage Sale!
- Time to gather items for the Rummage Sale!
- A wonderful evening at the Woman’s Club
- Have you bought your tickets?
- Join us for an evening of golden age music, operetta and opera music!
- A Safari Rummage Sale!
- Are you saving goodies for our Rummage Sale?
- Time to start saving for the Rummage Sale!
- Shop at Talbot’s on the 18th for the Woman’s Club!
- Woman’s Show February 25, 2017
- Scholarship Applications Available!
- Upcoming Holiday Events!
- Tour of Dr Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
- Mystery Book Club at The Woman’s Club!
- Labor Day Weekend Rummage Sale!
- Club Office and Woman’s Club Closed
- Tragedy
- Summer at the Woman’s Club!
- Scholarship Applications due March 1!
- Holiday Fun with the Woman’s Club!
- Beautiful (and Delicious) Fall Luncheon!
- The Woman’s Club goes to the Theatre! Come join us!
- Donations accepted next week for Rummage Sale
- Rummage Sale is September 5th!
- 2014-2015 Scholarship Recipients