

The Club has fourteen standing committees. Meeting frequency is determined by committee chairs:

Membership: Works to recruit and retain Club members.  Responsibilities include serving as Ambassadors to new members; planning monthly membership meeting

Programs: Plans and develops Club programs.

Finance: The Finance Committee is charged with monitoring financial activities to fulfill the organization’s mission in the most effective, efficient and lawful manner.

Grounds: Maintains and beautifies the Club landscape.

Fundraising: Organizes activities to raise funds exclusively designated for the Club’s ongoing charitable giving program.

Scholarship: Provides educational assistance to deserving, qualified women and men from Orange and Seminole counties in Florida. Each year, scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholarship, leadership and financial need.

Charitable Giving:  Distributes funds collected from Ways and Means committee to charities and non-profit organizations such as the Welbourne Nursery and PreSchool, The Meadows/Winter Park Housing Authority,  Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army, Family Promise of Greater Orlando, and Central Florida Vocal Arts.

Ways and Means: Raises funds for charitable giving, involving as many club members as possible.

Hospitality: Makes plans for the how, who and what of serving refreshments at Thursday meetings.

House Preservation: Dedicated to the preservation of our historic building.

Club History: Dedicated to the preservation and collection of historical data and history of the Club. 

House: Handle day to day management of the house, oversee purchases and ensure repairs and maintenance are carried out in a timely and effective manner.

Parliamentarian: Expert in rules of order and proper procedures for the conduct of meetings.

Rentals: Promotes and schedules rentals of the Clubhouse.